الأحد، 27 فبراير 2011

تغيير الاغاني بهز الجهاز Shake Phone v2.60 Change song by shake Symbian^3

With the Shake Phone application for our Nokia N8 or any other Symbian^3 device, we can change songs by shaking our Nokia device. The application is still a Beta, so it will gradually improve.

The program is two parts:
Shake Control: The core, don’t run.
Shake Phone: The interface.
Sign Shake Phone.
Run Shake Phone, Shake Control remember not to run.
Sensitivity: Sensitivity level (high, normal or low).
Shake direction: Direction to change songs (right, left, up, down)
Delay: time to elapse after shake to change track.
Target: Choose your music player.
Keylock: run when lock or not.

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